Huge applause to my big brave baby… *clap clap*
As I’m reading about this, ci kena faham yg pregnancy ni berbeza2…waktu
kakak, dia engagaed 38th weeks and above, adik ni maybe lain ckit…maybe
baby adik suh get ready with all the gears kut…maybe dia nak warning and bgtau
dia kua awal ckit…pray hard yg adik kua on 2013, at least…
But still, Allah’s plan is the best…ci redha kalo adik kua awal,
lambat….janji keluar…hehehehe….
The first thing yg ci google lepas tahu baby adik dah engaged is
cara2 nak breathing during labor. Knowing that ci ni makcik yg suka gelabah
time sakit, for sure ci akan jd apa yg ci jadi waktu bersalinkan tiya…setiap
kali contraction, ci akan tahan dgn ketap badan/bibir….lupa nak bernafas….and
if u’re against ur body, haaaa….sakit lg kuat la jawabnya….huhuhu...
Target bersalin kali ni…ehem2…NO EPISIOTOMI…plzzzzz….takleh nak
endure 2 minggu duduk senget…ganggu sungguh keselesaan bf yg sepatutnya selesa….
So, this is one artikel yg ci jumpa…. :
Breathing Visualisation Exercise
may wish to try this visualisation exercise:
Shut your eyes
and pretend that you are in labour; your uterus is contracting to push the baby
down so it can be birthed.
You feel
uncomfortable but you know that you are doing this for a reason. You know that
after each contraction you will have a rest before the next one.
Think about what
you are going to do to make yourself comfortable. Changing position, walking,
warm bath and massage.
You try
visualization and positive thinking, you see the contractions as waves on the
ocean that build up and go down again. You go with them. You tell yourself how
well you are doing and how strong your body is.
You try to work
with your body, not tensing with the contractions, relaxing your shoulders and
slowing your breathing down.
contraction is starting you take a big breath in through your nose, deeply into
your lungs and breathe it out slowly through your mouth. The in breath restores
you the out breath relaxes you.
You continue to
breathe slowly and deeply.
You place a hand
on your abdomen and breathe again directing the breath towards your abdomen to
relax the tension there.
You continue to
breathe slowly until the contraction is gone, and as it goes take another
breath and sigh out and mentally say goodbye to that contraction and “think one
less to go”
yourself to:
Breathe in
through your nose and out mouth
Deeply and slowly
Drop your
shoulders and let go of tension
Direct your
breath to where there is tension
Ci suka point where we need to go with
the flow….jangan lawan fitrah…jangan lawan badan….in other words, jgn tahan
sakit….i mean, kalau sakit, kita change sakit tu jd energy yg akan tolak baby
keluar…visualization kena kuat, jgn panic dan jgn suka gelabah ye puan cici…. :)
I’m blessed yg tempat ci nak bersalin mmg takde epidural…so, nak tanak ci mmg kena endure rasa sakit tu….nak mintak
ubat tahan sakit biasa pun, 10juta kali nurse tnya ‘Ibu sure ni? Nanti effect
baby tau…ibu betul takleh tahan sakit ni? Betul ni?’ hahahaha….tanya kat org yg
dh dilated 7cm, mmg la ci jerit jawab ‘NAKKKK’
But yes, sebenarnya badan kita dh
ditakdirkan, dicipta utk tahan semua sakit nak bersalin…Allah Maha Pencipta and kita
bukan rejected item. So, dgn apa sekalipun cara, kita mmg boleh tahan sakit
bersalin…if anything happen pun, Allah dh janjikan syahid, jadi apa nak risau…..
Ci doa baby adik happy go lucky dlm
perut ibu…sorry ye adik, smlm kakak tertendang adik smpai ngeras2 adik…ibu pun
berguling2, igt dh nak start contraction, rupanya adik tunjuk perasaan je….hehehe…. :)
Tak sabar tunggu Khamis ni, parents ci smpai from Kedah...nak start shopping for baby adik...yeay... :)