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I love KIM.... :)

I love KIM.... :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

33 Weeks and baby already engaged…..

Huge applause to my big brave baby… *clap clap*

As I’m reading about this, ci kena faham yg pregnancy ni berbeza2…waktu kakak, dia engagaed 38th weeks and above, adik ni maybe lain ckit…maybe baby adik suh get ready with all the gears kut…maybe dia nak warning and bgtau dia kua awal ckit…pray hard yg adik kua on 2013, at least…

But still, Allah’s plan is the best…ci redha kalo adik kua awal, lambat….janji keluar…hehehehe….

The first thing yg ci google lepas tahu baby adik dah engaged is cara2 nak breathing during labor. Knowing that ci ni makcik yg suka gelabah time sakit, for sure ci akan jd apa yg ci jadi waktu bersalinkan tiya…setiap kali contraction, ci akan tahan dgn ketap badan/bibir….lupa nak bernafas….and if u’re against ur body, haaaa….sakit lg kuat la jawabnya….huhuhu...

Target bersalin kali ni…ehem2…NO EPISIOTOMI…plzzzzz….takleh nak endure 2 minggu duduk senget…ganggu sungguh keselesaan bf yg sepatutnya selesa…. Haih….

So, this is one artikel yg ci jumpa…. :
Breathing Visualisation Exercise

You may wish to try this visualisation exercise:

·         Shut your eyes and pretend that you are in labour; your uterus is contracting to push the baby down so it can be birthed.
·         You feel uncomfortable but you know that you are doing this for a reason. You know that after each contraction you will have a rest before the next one.
·         Think about what you are going to do to make yourself comfortable. Changing position, walking, warm bath and massage.
·         You try visualization and positive thinking, you see the contractions as waves on the ocean that build up and go down again. You go with them. You tell yourself how well you are doing and how strong your body is.
·         You try to work with your body, not tensing with the contractions, relaxing your shoulders and slowing your breathing down.
·         Another contraction is starting you take a big breath in through your nose, deeply into your lungs and breathe it out slowly through your mouth. The in breath restores you the out breath relaxes you.
·         You continue to breathe slowly and deeply.
·         You place a hand on your abdomen and breathe again directing the breath towards your abdomen to relax the tension there.
·         You continue to breathe slowly until the contraction is gone, and as it goes take another breath and sigh out and mentally say goodbye to that contraction and “think one less to go”

Remind yourself to:

·         Breathe in through your nose and out mouth
·         Deeply and slowly
·         Drop your shoulders and let go of tension
·         Direct your breath to where there is tension

Ci suka point where we need to go with the flow….jangan lawan fitrah…jangan lawan badan….in other words, jgn tahan sakit….i mean, kalau sakit, kita change sakit tu jd energy yg akan tolak baby keluar…visualization kena kuat, jgn panic dan jgn suka gelabah ye puan cici…. :)

I’m blessed yg tempat ci nak bersalin mmg takde epidural…so, nak tanak ci mmg kena endure rasa sakit tu….nak mintak ubat tahan sakit biasa pun, 10juta kali nurse tnya ‘Ibu sure ni? Nanti effect baby tau…ibu betul takleh tahan sakit ni? Betul ni?’ hahahaha….tanya kat org yg dh dilated 7cm, mmg la ci jerit jawab ‘NAKKKK’

But yes, sebenarnya badan kita dh ditakdirkan, dicipta utk tahan semua sakit nak bersalin…Allah Maha Pencipta and kita bukan rejected item. So, dgn apa sekalipun cara, kita mmg boleh tahan sakit bersalin…if anything happen pun, Allah dh janjikan syahid, jadi apa nak risau…..

Ci doa baby adik happy go lucky dlm perut ibu…sorry ye adik, smlm kakak tertendang adik smpai ngeras2 adik…ibu pun berguling2, igt dh nak start contraction, rupanya adik tunjuk perasaan je….hehehe…. :)

Tak sabar tunggu Khamis ni, parents ci smpai from Kedah...nak start shopping for baby adik...yeay... :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Genuine Reaction

When I am pregnant, ci selalu dapat reaksi yg berbeza2 drpd kawan2, officemate, kenalan kat office…
Kalau perempuan, dah boleh agak muka drg...muka ceria, muka senyum, muka mcm nmpak baby depan mata, pdhal bru nampak baby tummy ci….and yg suka gosok2 perut ci…hehehe…honestly, ci tak kisah, ci suka tgk org suka….tp kalo ci gantung tabung, setiap kali gosok kena bayar 5 kupang, dh kaya dah ci….hahaha…just kidding….
Part yang best, bila jumpa kawan2, kenalan2 lelaki….drg ni ada reaksi muka yg sgt lain…tapi, being lelaki, kalau muka terkejut, mmg xleh nak cover….kalau muka nak gelak pun, susah drg nak cover dr ci…ci dh leh baca from far la… :) 

Kenalan 1: Ehhh, ci….(pause, muka berkerut) Ni yg no berapa?
Cici: No. 3 dah…
Kenalan 1: Amboi3 (wat muka tersipu2)

Kenalan 2: Ci!!! (Almost menjerit) Ci ni kalau saya jumpa, mesti buncit…asal saya jumpa, mesti buncit
(Hahahaha…nmpak sgt jarang jumpa ci…or jumpa ci time salah timing)

Kenalan 3: Ci….ni kalau tak silap saya, no. 3 kan? Hebat2
(kenalan ni abg yg selalu repair printer, jumpa dia pun sbb keja…tapi xsure mcm mana dia leh tahu ci mengandung kali ke berapa…secretly dia kira kut…hehehehe)

Kenalan 4: Cici!!! Ish3…kau ni kannnn….. (ala2 tgn di dada…hahaha….dia ni mmg selalu jumpa ci…tp sebab normally perut ci akan nmpak 5 months above, so dia baru perasan)

Dan, ramai lg kawan2 lelaki ci yg memandang dari jauh, bila ci dtg dekat, tunduk bawah…ni sure malas nak ngulas lanjut nih…hehehe..tapi ci faham, lelaki tend to be segan dgn ppuan mengandung (at least at me la)…but, kkdg, drg yg concern lebih, lebih concern dr kawan ppuan (beberapa org yg mmg tak concern)….Ada srg senior director yg ci kenal, sanggup tanya suami nak smpai pukul berapa sbb nampak ci melepek tepi tangga tgu hubby ci…padahal bru je memparkingkan diri sndiri….

I worked here for as long as I can remember…drpd gadis sunti, smpai jadi mak org….most of senior staff dah anggap ci lebih dr kenalan….dah mcm adik beradik sendiri….  :)

Ibu at 32 weeks....dah 8 bulan dah....sgt bolat... :)

Mlm2 bermoviedate dgn hubby...lepas anak2 dah tido...kkdg habis satu movie....kkdg2 xsmpat sbb dua2 dh zzzz.... :)

Few clothes yg Tiya punya ci turunkan kat adik....byk yg pakai skjap je, sbb Tiya sgt cepat jd bam2....hehehehe... :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

29 weeks to 31 weeks in a blink!

My oh my…banyaknya hutang cerita ci sepanjang pregnancy and pembesaran anak2 ni kan…if only I can record everything, and automatic translate with words, senang cerita… :) 

Last Wednesday, ci and hubby pegi checkup utk minggu ke 29…berdebar sgt sbb jarak checkup dh makan minggu, sbb ibu ni pekerja cemerlang sgt, nak kua office selalu pun tak dapat. Hihihi… 

Nak jd kan nasib, last week, tetiba kena urine infection…dpt tau pun sbb tak tahan sangat sakit perut (as in pre-contraction) and sakit belakang…mcm terfikir, takan dh nak bersalin, sbb bru 28 weeks time tu…mmg kencing kotor, so akan effect pinggang and mmg akan ada contraction. Salah kan diri sendiri aje sbb jarangggg nak teguk air kosong, asyik air berkaler2 aje…isk3….tempting kan air kaler2, tambah2 air kaler yg bernama teh tarik...hehehe...

Yes, pregnant bukan lesen utk eating twice as much…tp lesen utk eating twice as careful….  :)

Result check on Wednesday with my doctor Fida; urine clear (Alhamdulillah), berat naik bykkk dr 63kg to whooping 67kg! hahaha…time Tiya dulu 68kg dh nak bersalin dah pun. waktu ayit ci berat (sbb pre-pregnancy figure ci dh berat, so akhir2 jd 70kg)... blood pressure normal… 

Bila doc start nak scan baby, ci really hope yg doc akan nmpak kepala dulu, as in baby dh pusing….Yes, Alhamdulillah, baby dh pusing…secretly, ci dh leh agak sbb dh rasa senak kat bawah, and alwaysssss has this urge g toilet….like 5 min sekali…waaa…. ;p

Then doc ukur lilitan kepala, and badan, tetiba doctor cakap ‘Eh, baby awak besar dah ni…edd awak pun dh lari ckit…ni tarikh baru 14 Jan 2013’ hihihihih…mcm mana tetiba baby leh jd besar…patut la perut ci rasa dh berat, badan ci dh semangat, nak jalan pun susah…rupanya instead of bru nak masuk 7 bulan, ci dh nak masuk 8 bulan…hehehehe….
Then, it’s time to godek2 muka baby…and confirm jantina….

For the first time nampak muka baby yg dh tembam…and doc mmg dh confirm kan Girl, for the third time (sbb kosong kat tgh) :)

Hopefully, ada ckit iras ci kali ni…ci penah bgtau mak mertua ci yg selagi tak kua muka sebijik ci, selagi tu la ci nak beranak….hahahaha…determine sgt dah tu…. :)

14 Jan 2013, one of my fav date…my ayah’s birthday!!! Org pertama yg ci call lepas kuar dr GMC was my ayah. And his reaction was this ‘Habih la anak hang…ikut perangai aku…aku ni baran, tapi mmg rajin la’ hahahahaha….tergolek ci gelak…my dad and his sense of humour… ;)

As for baby adik punya preparation, I must say, hmmmm, sadly NONE! Banyak sgt masa habiskan dgn melayan anak2, hubby yg selalu OT, ketidaklaratan badan…but dh plan, once mak ayah ci kat cni bulan dec nanti, mmg nak trus borong smua skali…fhew! Harap sempat….baby adik ikut perangai kak tiya ye, kua on the dot (40 weeks and lebih sehari)…hehehehe…. ;)

Then, comes sad part of my pregnancy, despite segala yg best2, still ada org2 yg suka buli org pregnant…ci tatau nak sahkan mcm mana, but yes, 3 kali ci pregnant, 3 kali jugak la mcm2 isu ci dapat…workload bertambah, request yg bukan2 (yg kalo ikut logik, org normal pun semput nak buat)…I guess, in reality, kkdg kan, org yg dh pernah pregnant pun takan faham apa yg org pregnant rasa…u’re not in my shoe (although u had been wearing the same kind of shoe few years back)…pelik tapi benar berlaku…waktu tiya dulu, I’m in anger all the time disebabkan kes2 mcm ni….and yes, same goes to baby adik, mmg in anger…plus hatred…hahaha…balik umah je tenang ckit…. ;)

But, thing like this akan buat kita stronger…my vision become clearer…dh nmpak apa yg nak buat in future…sbb mmg akan buang masa and tenaga kalo nak hold on sumthing yg tak terpegang dek tangan…as in, kalo sayang sumthing (in this case, my job), make sure the job love u back (as in memberi manfaat selain dr setakat monthly salary) ;)

Something for me to ponder for my next year plan…huge plan for me and my family, a selfish plan, but who cares….i’ve been taking care of them for this 7 years…it’s time for me to take care of myself….and of coz, my family…. ;)

Well, that’s about it…31 weeks and counting…hopefully baby adik behave well….tak sabar nak tambah lg srg ahli keluarga Ery Cici…. :)

Ibu (26 weeks rasanya time ni) and anak2....they had been bigger and wiser every seconds of the day...tak terkejar progress drg...hehehe...cepat sgt membesaq.... :)

See my ticker? Pagi td bru 29 weeks, dah update new edd, trus jd 31 weeks...Major GULP! :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Love letter from abglong & kakak...

My dear Muhammad Harith,
You're my 1st...the 1st one yg ajar ibu utk menjadi seorang ibu...anugerah pertama yg membesar dlm perut ibu...yg buat ibu muntah pg ptg siang malam....yg ajar ibu sabar utk hadap smua pregnancy sickness....tak susah bersalinkan ayit, sbb ibu tak sempat rasa sakit, ayit dh ada dlm dakapan ibu.....

Semua salah ibu, ayit yg terpaksa tanggung, ibu minta maaf ye...ibu belum reti utk jd ibu....ibu cepat nak marah, kurang nak sabar, ibu emo, ibu cepat melenting....ibu belum ibu tau ayit sabar dgn ibu, sbb ayit sayang ibu...walau apa yg ibu dh buat kat ayit, mlm2 ayit tetap cari ibu...... T____T
Ayit....maafkan ibu sbb paksa ayit membesar dgn cepat sbb Tiya dh ada....setahun 7bln ayit dh jd seorang abg....ayit dh terpaksa tolerate dgn ibu n abah n baby ayit good boy, ayit tak byk ragam walaupun sgt manja....ayit faham ibu...w/pun ibu selalu bebel, ayit tau dlm hati, ibu syg ayit....ayit tetap sygkan tiya, tlg ibu jaga tiya, walaupun ayit sndiri lum puas nak bermanja dgn ibu.....
Ibu abah besarkan ayit dlm keadaan yg sgt sederhana...kita tak mewah mcm org yg mewah...kita cuma mewah dgn kasih syg aje....ibu harap bila besar, ayit tak salahkan ibu sbb tak beli smua yg ayit nak....ibu harap ayit besar, ayit tak segan dgr cerita susah senang kita....sbb semua tu berharga buat ibu dan abah.....

Grow up and be brave my dear Ayit....byk dh kita lalui bersama....more to come my son...ibu harap ayit that bila ibu dan abah dh tak ada di dunia ni, ayit boleh jaga adik2...mereka semua mengharapkan ayit nanti..... :)

And when u grow up, dh boleh kahwin, jgn cari isteri mcm ibu...cari yg lebih baik, lebih beriman, lebih keibuan dr apa yg ayit nmpak pd ibu... :)

so that ibu akan tarik nafas lega, sbb ibu tahu cucu2 ibu akan membesar dgn baik....lebih baik keadaan mereka dr ayit...Insyaallah..... :)

My dear Nur Athirah Raisya,

You're my angel....sinar dlm hati ibu...mengandungkan tiya langsung tak beri masalah pd ibu...dr dlm perut ibu tahu tiya seorang yg kuat semangat...tiya independence, berani dan tak cepat mengalah...ibu tahu, sbb sedari tiya dlm perut ibu, kita dh lalui masalah besar sama2....tiya yg teman ibu pg ptg berulang alik ke umah yg jauh...tiya tahu ibu penat, tiya tak bg ibu sakit...dan tiya bg ibu peluang utk bersalin secara mana yg ibu impikan...senang membesarkan tiya....tak byk ragam, dan sgttt syg abg long....
Ibu minta maaf sbb waktu tiya jatuh sakit, ibu lambat dapat tahu...ibu patut lebih tahu dr org lain, sbb ibu ni ibu tiya....ibu minta maaf kalo sakit tu dtg dr ibu, atau kecuaian ibu...
Tiya 3 kali keluar masuk hospital...dh kering air mata tiya, air mata setiap kali tu lah, tiya cuba tahan...tiya kuat, sangat kuat....
Sekarang tiya dah besar. Dah jadi kakak. A good kakak you are. Alhamdulillah. 

Abglong &  kakak. 
Terima kasih sebab ada dalam hidup ibu. 

*safiyya punya entry kena asing. Panjang berjela satgi. Hahaha. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

20 weeks and half way done…. ;)


Time flies kan…one entry wrote that I’m expecting, another entry dh 20 weeks dah…hehehe…ci pun dh tak sedar bila masa melangkau sebegini cepat…the 1st one, rasa mcm anticipated sgt…lambatnya masa jalan…one week to another tu mcm kura2…dr one trimester ke another mcm berzaman….tak sabar nak perut besar…

Mengandungkan Tiya, masa mcm sedikit cepat…dgn travel Kl-Seremban time tu…dgn ayit yg bru 1 tahun…nak layankan lasak dia, tumbesaran dia…proses pindah ke KL balik…tup2 dh nak bersalin….

And as expected, no 3 ni…zappp masa tinggalkan ci…I woke up with huge tummy…hehehe…but yes, secepat mana pun masa, ci still keep up dgn baby’s growth…aware dgn keadaan dia…dan sgt cautious about preparation utk menerima ahli keluarga baru utk ketiga kalinya…cautious tu tak bermakna dh siapkan smua…hehehe…ci tak siapkan apa2 pun lagi…haihhh…

Semalam, ci checkup kat Gombak Medical Centre…yup, tempat yg sama ci bersalinkan Tiya…jumpa doc yg sama juga, Dr. Fidak…I love her…she’s really calm…

So memula dia scan pregnancy history ci…

Doc: Ni anak ketiga la ye…rapat2 jugak ye….mmg awak tak plan ke?

Ci geleng2 sambil senyum penuh sopan…hehehe….

Doc: So, awak mmg plan utk get pregnant tahun ni la ye?

Ci angguk2 penuh kesopanan jugak….hehe…not really to get pregnant this year…tp nak baby on 2013. But Allah knows best… J

Lepas chitchat psl condition luaran, jeng3, tiba masa yg ibu semua nantikan…SCAN!!!

Memula ci nampak kepala baby adik…boleh tahan jugak lasak…keliut2…ibu je yg tak rasa lg…sebab bru masuk 20 weeks kan…sekali-sekala je rasa tendang…

Baby adik toleh kiri-kanan, mengeliat, mcm angkat doa pastu terus hisap jari…kkdg nmpak dia waving…Subhanallah…bertakung mata ci setiap kali tgk skrin doc…Doc Fidak lak mmg tak kedekut time, dia akan terangkan satu2 bahagian badan….and the most surprising bahagian, yes of coz, bahagian gender….

Soooo… I carrying a girl or a boy….is it going to be another Nur or Muhammad H… J

Ci ada firasat sendiri…but yes, pregnancy kali ni, smuaorg tak surprise sgt…sbb smuaorg dh leh agak….sbb ci tetiba jd terlampau rajinnn masak (hari2 masak…xpenah tapau)….sgt rajin masuk dapur….masak kek, kuih…name it...sama symptom mcm Tiya….hehehehe….


So far, doc's prediction is a GIRL…. ;)

Another power girl in the house…..Insyaallah….. J

Could be she will look like this young lady???'s yours truly, Cici... ;)

Baby adik at 20 weeks....tgh hisap jari....the 1st day i uploaded this pic, she got 50 over likes on my fb....u're still halfway done dear, but already famous.... ;)

Ibu at 18 weeks (i guess) ;)

Lastly, baby's true protector, Abg Long and Kakak....prepare urself baby adik, lots of fun coming ur way once ur here with all of us.... ;)

Ibu doa baby adik sihat dan happy dlm ibu...i will do what ever i can to be the best ibu for you, Insyaallah.... :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One...Two...Three... ;)

I can still remember the moment I got my pregnancy test ‘positive’ for the very first time…6/6/2008…tu pun after berbatang2 pregnancy test ci dh wat kat umah…badan makin tak larat, muntah…tp still negative…newlywed lagi time tu, baru sebulan lebih akad nikah, ci dh mengandungkan muhammad harith….ci dpt tau waktu ci buat upt kat laboratory uia…ci still igt muka staff yg bg ci result…still igt wajah kaklina yg nangis waktu dapat tau ci pregnen…ci igt suara hubby ci, mak n mak mertua ci waktu ci bgtau tru phone……Sweet…….. ;)

For my 2nd pregnancy….ci dapat tahu tru home pregnancy test…ci beli dua batang sekali (time promo)…hehehe….test yang first, mmg clearly negative…badan tak rasa apa2, so ci pun tak la mengharap utk pregnant…tppppp…pelik mana pulak pegi ci punya period…huhuhu….so after few days, on 14/2/2010, ci wat upt kat umah mak ci, kat kedah (tgh bercutiii)…and the line was 2….punya la melompat suami isteri nih…heh, mmg kut kami jenis suka anak ramai…time ni, ayit bru masuk setahun..Few hours later, pergi checkup and doc confirmkan ci pregnant 5 weeks…. ;)

After 1 year and 7 months pregnant-free…the same question return, Am I pregnant??? Huhuhuhu….

1 year n 6 months, ci tak period….ci pegi mengurut dgn makcik yg sama mngurut ci utk ayit n tiya…makcik ani pesan ‘lepas ni, jaga jaga ye cici’…ci senyum je la….mmg tak plan utk pregnen any time soon pun…a month after, bru ci period…paranoid, annoyed by period, ci bersyukur takla sakit sgt, walaupun dh bertahun tak datang…

A month after period….it was supposed to be the day, but it never come….

A week….

After a week….

After the following week….

Yes….the question keep coming back….Am I pregnant? ;p

Then, comes the sickness….meloya…cravings….muntah…letih….mengantuk….normal symptoms….lg la buat ci rasa pelik…the most pelik was, kenapa perut ci jd sgtttt bloating…almost buncit… haih….

One thing about cici, selalu rasa ‘pregnancy’ symptom above everything…cthnya, kalo dh muntah, bukan nak fikir salah makan…ci akan fikir ‘ci pegnen kah?’ hahahaha…sooo typical of me… ;p

So, dgn rasa bertanggungjawab, naluri penuh keibuan, ci pun beli pregnancy test…the one yg kita kena drop atas batang…the result was, yes…a double line…tppp line dia sgttttttt SAMAR …I was sooo sure, but the stick say almost a No answer….hmmm….few hours lepas tu, ci pegi kinik, nak sahkan that stick….so, doctor kata, kita buat lg sekali test…..

It was negative…..

Deeeepppp down dlm hati, rasa mcm ‘ehhh, if I’m not pregnant, what’s wrong with me???’…haaaa, dh mula la saspek yg bukan2….cyst la, ovary infection la….haihhh…

Few days after that…on 14th May 2012….ci decided to test using digital pregnancy test…the one yg tulis pregnant or not pregnant tu…

Here’s the result…….

Never thought in a millon years, ci diberi anugerah utk mengandung lagi sekali…utk kali ketiga dalam hidup ci…..super happy….


Notice number 1-2 kat stick tu? Itu bgtau yg date conception 1-2 weeks…so kalo kiraan doctor, bru 3-4 minggu baby ci…awalllll sgttt lg….

Ci pun bawak stick ni tunjuk kat doctor ptg yg sama (sbb screen dia maintained tulisan tu 24 hours aje)…Doc kata ‘hmmmm…kita scan la…kalo tak nmpak pape, kita buat test lg skali’

Dup dap dup dap Allah sj yang tahu….

Waktu scan, kantung baby dh ada…tp baby xnmpak pape….ada mcm bnda kecik, tp doc takleh nak pastikan…, doctor mintak ci wat test urine lg skali….

The result was double line….still samar, tapi agak clear dr yg memula….

Soklan yg ci tnya doctor ‘Am I still pregnant doc?’ Her answer ‘50/50’ *sigh*

Hmm….ci start makan folic asid n b complex….jaga makan…jaga kesihatan…and live like usual….tanak terlalu mengharap, yet, tanak terlalu free sgt… ;)

Jika ada rezeki ci, dah tertulis….ci tawakal dan redha….

If rezeki ci utk anak ke -3….Alhamdulillah……Tiya, u’re a big sister la….. ;)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Toughest Job... ;-)

Seronok tgk fb updates seharian nih...kwn2 dpt bunga, dpt hadiah, dpt kad, surprise this n that...terharu yet tumpang happy...i heard yg hari ibu ni xleh celeb sbb meraikan hari kristian (forgot the details)...but hey, we just need a day to celeb the greatness of the toughest job in the world- to b a Mother.... ;-)

Reminding me of my own self...ibu kpd dua org baby yg masih sgt sgt clingy dgn ci siang n wasnt an easy job nk bg credit ckit kt diri sndiri...sbb membesarkan anak2 jauhhhhh dr any support system (families)... ;-)

I gave up rest time...tido yg nyenyak dh jd mcm more outing ke tempat2 yg menyeronokkan tp bkn baby frenly...gave up heels, fancy outfit (skrg pkai baju yg senang nk nyusu ajee)...selalunya akan mkn apa yg anak2 mkn...n no rest after long hours of works....the list is longer but just nk bgtau the situation... :-P

Walau apa punnnn kesusahan yg srg ibu harus lalui...ini yg ci impikan sejak kecik...i want to be a mother....walaupun dlm hari2 teenagers ci yg penuh dgn ketidakpastian, satu shj yg ci pasti, ci nak jd srg even belum boleh bayang siapa suami ci time tu, tp ci dh bayangkan diri ci dukung bayi, main dgn anak2...huhuhu....partly maybe sbb ci anak bongsu, so ci xdak privilege utk jaga adik, sbb tu tingin sangat nak anak sendiri...i just love to b a mother...i need to b one.... ;-)

Here i am today... A strungling mother of two...ibu yg sentiasa paranoid bila apa2 jd kat anak2...yg cepat marah yet cepat pujuk balik...yg akan sentiasa jd tempat utk dipeluk bila majuk...wajah yg terakhir yg anak2 tgk bila nak tido, wajah yg pertama drg tgk bila bangun.... :-)

Ci mula menghargai jasa mak lebihhh bila ci sndiri dah jd mak....dr saat mengandung smpai lah melahirkan....membesar dan mendidik...was not an easy job indeed....

Ci doa, dgn rahmat dan nikmat yg Allah kurniakan kpd ci...dgn amanah yg Allah doa utk jadi ibu yg terbaik kpd anak2...supaya bila mereka besar, mereka akan igt dan faham dan kenal siapa ibu di mata mereka.... ;-)

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Friday, May 11, 2012

New Me..... ;)

Dear blog.....sorry sebab pinggirkan kamu forrr such a longgg time.....nak update tak sempat...nak belek pon tak sempat.... *sigh*

But yes, new project will be launch new month....i pray for the best...lepas ni, kena selalu update...kena selalu blogging...kena selaluuu online...yippy... ;)

Bila ada positive push, baru la seronok nak bergerak....

My followers, you'll be reading about me, soon...... ;)

Love all, yours truly; Cici....

Btw, suka layout bru ci tak? Paisleyyy gitewwww... ;)